It is also important to note that the federations of Madagascar (19 March) and Chad (25 March) have been suspended. There is no word yet on whether or not they will be elgible in time for the qualifying cycle.
Here are the confirmed matches. All match times are local times.
May 31, 2008
Jordan at South Korea 10 PM Seoul
Djibouti at Malawi 2:30 PM Blantyre
Madagascar at Botswana 3 PM Gaborone
Cape Verde at Cameroon 3:30 PM Yaounde
Lesotho at Gabon 3:30 PM Libreville
Mauritania at Rwanda 3:30 PM Kigali
Mauritius at Tanzania 4 PM Dar es Salaam
Zambia at Togo 3:30 PM Accra, Ghana
Kenya at Namibia 4 PM Windhoek
Niger at Uganda 4 PM Kampala
Ethiopia at Morocco 7 PM Casablanca
Algeria at Sénégal 7:30 PM Dakar
Chad at Sudan 8 PM Omdurman
June 1, 2008
Iraq at Australia 5 PM Brisbane
Sierra Leone at Equatorial Guinea 3:30 PM Malabo
Benin at Angola 3:30 PM Luanda
Seychelles at Burundi 3:30 PM Bujumbura
South Africa at Nigeria 4 PM Abuja
Gambia at Liberia 4 PM Monrovia
Mozambique at Côte d'Ivoire 4 PM Abidjan
Libya at Ghana 5 PM Kumasi
Zimbabwe at Guinea 5 PM Conakry
Burkina Faso at Tunisia 6 PM Rades
Congo at Mali 6 PM Bamako
Democratic Republic of the Congo at Egypt 9 PM Cairo
June 2, 2008
North Korea at Turkmenistan 5 PM Ashgabat
Bahrain at Thailand 7 PM Bangkok
Oman at Japan 7:20 PM Yokohama
Uzbekistan at Singapore 7:30 PM Singapore
United Arab Emirates at Iran 5 PM Tehrān
China at Qatar 7 PM Doha
Kuwait at Syria 8 PM Damascus
Lebanon at Saudi Arabia 9 PM Riyadh
June 4, 2008
Puerto Rico at Honduras 7:30 PM San Pedro Sula
June 6, 2008
Egypt at Djibouti 3 PM Djibouti
Liberia at Algeria 7:15 PM Blida
June 7, 2008
Turkmenistan at North Korea 5 PM Pyongyang
Qatar at China 8 PM Tianjin
Singapore at Uzbekistan 6 PM Tashkent
South Korea at Jordan 5 PM Ammān
Saudi Arabia at Lebanon 6 PM Beirut
Japan at Oman 6:30 PM Muscat
Thailand at Bahrain 7:30 PM Al Manāmah
Australia at Iraq 8 PM Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Equatorial Guinea at South Africa 3 PM Pretoria
Tunisia at Seychelles 4:30 PM Victoria
Iran at United Arab Emirates 8 PM Al Ain City
Guinea at Kenya 4 PM Nairobi
Mali at Chad 4 PM N'Djamena
Tanzania at Cape Verde 4 PM Praia
Nigeria at Sierra Leone 4:30 PM Freetown
Morocco at Mauritania 5 PM Nouakchott
Burundi at Burkina Faso 6 PM Ouagadougou
Gabon at Libya 8 PM Tripoli
June 8, 2008
Syria at Kuwait 8:45 Kuwait City
Côte d'Ivoire at Madagascar 2:30 PM Antananarivo
Cameroon at Mauritius 3 PM Curepipe
Botswana at Mozambique 3 PM Maputo
Ghana at Lesotho 3 PM Maseru
Namibia at Zimbabwe 3 PM Harare
Togo at Swaziland 3 PM Mbabane
Malawi at Democratic Republic of the Congo 3:30 PM Kinshasa
Sudan at Congo 3:30 PM Brazzaville
Rwanda at Ethiopia 4 PM Addis Ababa
Angola at Niger 4 PM Niamey
Uganda at Benin 4 PM Cotonou
Sénégal at Gambia 5 PM Banjul
June 13, 2008
Democratic Republic of the Congo at Djibouti 3 PM Djibouti
Ethiopia at Mauritania 5 PM Nouakchott
June 14, 2008
New Caledonia at Vanuatu 2 PM Port Vila
South Korea at Turkmenistan 5 PM Ashgabat
Jordan at North Korea 5 PM Pyongyang
Japan at Thailand 5:20 PM Bangkok
Lebanon at Uzbekistan 6 PM Tashkent
Saudi Arabia at Singapore 7:30 PM Singapore
Iraq at China 8 PM Tianjin
Egypt at Malawi 2:30 PM Blantyre
Côte d'Ivoire at Botswana 3 PM Gaborone
Guinea at Namibia 3 PM Windhoek
Ghana at Gabon 3:30 PM Libreville
Morocco at Rwanda 3:30 PM Kigali
Burkina Faso at Seychelles 4:30 PM Victoria
Angola at Uganda 4 PM Kampala
Cameroon at Tanzania 4 PM Dar es Salaam
Benin at Niger 4 PM Niamey
Zimbabwe at Kenya 4 PM Nairobi
Congo at Chad 4 PM N'Djamena
Australia at Qatar 7 PM Doha
Oman at Bahrain 7:30 PM Al Manāmah
South Africa at Sierra Leone 4:30 PM Freetown
Algeria at Gambia 5 PM Banjul
Iran at Syria 8 PM Damascus
United Arab Emirates at Kuwait 8:45 PM Kuwait City
Mali at Sudan 8 PM Omdurman
Venezuela at Uruguay 4 PM Montevideo
Costa Rica at Grenada 4 PM St. George's
Guyana at Suriname 4 PM Paramaribo
Honduras at Puerto Rico 8 PM Bayamón
St. Lucia at Guatemala 8 PM Guatemala City
Colombia at Perú 8 PM Lima
June 15, 2008
Mozambique at Madagascar 2:30 PM Antananarivo
Cape Verde at Mauritius 3 PM Curepipe
Libya at Lesotho 3 PM Maseru
Zambia at Swaziland 3 PM Mbabane
Tunisia at Burundi 3 PM Bujumbura
Nigeria at Equatorial Guinea 3:30 PM Malabo
Sénégal at Liberia 4 PM Monrovia
Barbados at United States of America 2 PM Carson
Canada at St. Vincent and the Grenadines 3 PM Kingstown
Netherlands Antilles at Haiti 3 PM Port-au-Prince
Brazil at Paraguay 3 PM Asunción
México at Belize 3:30 PM Houston, United States of America
Bermuda at Trinidad and Tobago 4 PM Macoya
El Salvador at Panamá 4 PM Panamá City
Bahamas at Jamaica 6 PM Kingston
Ecuador at Argentina 6:10 PM Buenos Aires
Chile at Bolivia 7:30 PM La Paz
June 17, 2008
Perú at Uruguay 7 PM Montevideo
Cuba at Antigua and Barbuda 6 PM St. John's
June 18, 2008
Paraguay at Bolivia 4:10 PM La Paz
Colombia at Ecuador 5 PM Quito
Jamaica at Bahamas 7 PM Greenfield-Trelawny
Argentina at Brazil 9:50 PM Belo Horizonte
June 19, 2008
Chile at Venezuela 8 PM Puerto la Cruz
June 20, 2008
Gambia at Algeria 7:30 PM Blida
Lesotho at Libya 8 PM Tripoli
St. Vincent and the Grenadines at Canada 7:30 PM Montréal
June 21, 2008
Vanuatu at New Caledonia 3 PM Noumea
Swaziland at Zambia 2 PM Chilabombwe
Sierra Leone at South Africa 3 PM Kimberley
Tanzania at Cameroon 3:30 PM Yaounde
Equatorial Guinea at Nigeria 4 PM Abuja
Seychelles at Burkina Faso 6 PM Ouagadougou
Rwanda at Morocco 7 PM Casablanca
Liberia at Sénégal 7:30 PM Dakar
Burundi at Tunisia 8:30 PM Rades
Guatemala at St. Lucia 4 PM Vieux Fort
Grenada at Costa Rica 8 PM San José
Belize at México 9 PM Monterrey
June 22, 2008
China at Australia 6 PM Sydney
Bahrain at Japan 7:20 PM Saitama
North Korea at South Korea 8 PM Seoul
Kuwait at Iran 5 PM Tehrān
Turkmenistan at Jordan 6 PM Ammān
Singapore at Lebanon 6 PM Beirut
Thailand at Oman 6:30 PM Muscat
Qatar at Iraq 8 PM Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Madagascar at Mozambique 3 PM Maputo
Kenya at Zimbabwe 3 PM Harare
Uganda at Angola 3:30 PM Luanda
Djibouti at Democratic Republic of the Congo 3:30 PM Kinshasa
Chad at Congo 3:30 PM Brazzaville
Mauritania at Ethiopia 4 PM Addis Ababa
Bostwana at Côte d'Ivoire 4 PM Abidjan
Niger at Benin 4 PM Cotonou
Mauritius at Cape Verde 4 PM Praia
Gabon at Ghana 5 PM Accra
Namibia at Guinea 5 PM Conakry
Syria at United Arab Emirates 8 PM Al Ain City
Sudan at Mali 6 PM Bamako
Uzbekistan at Saudi Arabia 9 PM Riyadh
Malawi at Egypt 9 PM Cairo
Panamá at El Salvador 12 PM San Salvador
United States of America at Barbados 3 PM Bridgetown
Suriname at Guyana 3:30 PM Georgetown
Antigua and Barbuda at Cuba 5 PM Havana
Haiti at Netherlands Antilles 6 PM Willemstad
Trinidad and Tobago at Bermuda 7:30 PM Prospect
June 28, 2008
Lesotho at Gabon 3:30 PM Libreville
Chad at Sudan